Stereotypes we embody:
1. We moved in together a month and a half into the relationship.
2. We know every character on “The L Word” (but have recently stopped watching it because season 3 sucks)
3. Much to Miss’s horror, Ms. enjoys wearing Tevas… and sometimes – Birkenstocks.
4. The one who wears Tevas drove a Subaru until just a few months ago.
5. We enjoy a good Indigo Girls tune from time to time.
6. We do own a tool-box – and have used it.
7. It takes a lot for Ms. to wear a skirt or a dress – but she will do it if the occasion is right.
8. Miss is good at team sports… especially soccer.
9. We have been known to dance all night at a gay bar.
10. We like girls.
Stereotypes we do not embody:
1. Neither of us plays softball.
2. Neither of us has short hair
3. Neither of us sports a mullet either – God forbid.
4. Neither of us wears Doc Martins
5. We are both aware that flannel went out with grunge.
6. We do not hate men.
7. Neither one of us will ever challenge you to arm wrestle.
8. Neither of us has a rainbow sticker on our car.
9. Neither one of us drives a pick up truck.
10. We do not look like porn stars – besides they're just "acting" like they like girls.
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