Okay, okay. It's all going to be fine after all. It turns out, I haven't lost my angst! See, with all of the getting along with my family, and being in love with a wonderful gal, I find that I'm - dare I say it? - happy. However, we all know that dysfunction spells C-R-E-A-T-I-V-I-T-Y and if I'm not sick of soul, what do I have to work with, people? What???
Sooo... as of this morning I felt much better, because today I am MISERABLE. I'm working on a show right now that has me traveling all over the country for the next month and I MISS MISS TERRIBLY! Don't you get it? I'm totally unhappy! This is great news, because now I can rest assured my pain and angst will keep me creatively inspired, and therefore - employed. At least at something other than say - being hired as an infomercial writer. Not that I don't respect infomericial writers. Seriously. Do you know how hard it is to sell concentrated cleansing products to stoned people at three in the morning? Then again, that IS depressing, isn't it? You know what? I think it's all going to be okay no matter what. There is still PLENTY of pain for me. Whew. That's a relief.
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