Mary Cheney is pregnant. Yup. She and Heather Poe, her partner of 15 years, are set to be the proud new LESBIAN parents of a new baby. Of course, neither in Virginia nor in this country, which legally discriminates against same-sex families, are there laws to protect Ms. Poe as a full guardian of the baby that Ms. Cheney births. Too bad, so sad.
As much of the gay community, I have not been a big fan of Mary Cheney in the past, due to her never providing a voice about same-sex marriage rights (not to mention the fact that she works for a party and a president that I abhore). She obviously is one of the most hight-profile homosexuals in American politics these days. It seemed to me that she should offer some opinion. In her book published this last May, however, she finally offers up her views on the Federal Marriage Ammendment and she is - thankfully - strongly opposed to it. I haven't read the book (it is on the ever-growing "to read" list), but I commend her for finally speaking up.
I would like to wish Ms. Cheney and Ms. Poe a hardy congratulations and best wishes on the new addition to their family. May that child grow up knowing he has two parents and a family that love him very much. May that child grow up in a world with less hate, with more peace, and with the open and free life in a country that was founded on equality for all. May that child grow up and work against politicians like his grandfather.
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